5 Ways to Get More Likes on Your Instagram Posts

MetroNet fiber internet

Nowadays, many people fret over the number of likes they get on Instagram posts. It is never a good idea to compare the number of followers you have to that of a popular personality on Instagram. However, by using the right tactics, you can boost the engagement on your content to increase your likes. We will help you understand how your Instagram post can draw the attention of your target audience and make them tap the like button and interact with your posts.

Find out the best ways to increase likes on the content you post on Instagram:

Create a Content Calendar

To help you post consistently, make sure you maintain a content calendar that includes everything you wish to post on your Instagram profile. From stories and posts to sponsored ads, your content should be well-articulated enough to grab your audience’s attention and encourage them to like your posts. Avoid posting randomly without considering your followers’ preferences. For example, if you are targeting people aged above 25, you should publish your content at 8 PM. This is because most working individuals want to relax in the evening by scrolling on social media; hence, your posting schedule should align with your audience’s daily routines and leisure times.

To upload your content without any delay, switch to MetroNet fiber internet It delivers symmetrical speeds to allow faster uploads, which will help you keep your Instagram account updated with the latest posts.

Amplify Your Aesthetic

Filters and editing apps have enabled people to put their best foot ahead on social media. Similarly, you can use image-editing techniques to make your images stand out among your competitors on Instagram. If you want your content to stay consistent, stick to 1-2 Instagram filters that can help enhance your photos. In addition, you can adjust your photos’ saturation, and color scheme, and add frames or templates to your posts to make them appear “Insta-friendly.”

Add More Hashtags

To make your content more discoverable, use a combination of words and numbers preceded by the hash symbol (#), known as a hashtag. You can click it to find similar content that includes the same hashtag. In addition, it helps expand your posts to a wider audience.

The more hashtags you add to your Instagram posts, the higher level of engagement you will get on your profile. You can add up to 30 different hashtags on each post; however, it is recommended to use 3-5 hashtags on every photo or video you publish on Instagram.

Add a Call to Action (CTA)

According to a recent study, adding the word “like” to your captions can boost the number of likes on your post by 89%. Whereas, mentioning the word “comment” increases the likelihood of getting comments by 2,194%. Therefore, adding a call to action will enable your followers to participate in your comments section, which will allow you to get more likes on each post containing such words and phrases.

Similarly, you can engage your audience by asking them a question. It can be anything relevant or slightly related to your post. For example, if you are posting a photo of a breathtaking view at the beach, you can caption it, “Where are you heading for your next vacation this summer?” As a result, many users will comment with their favorite vacation spots or places they would like to visit soon.

Post Stories Regularly

While Instagram promotes the idea of posting glamorous photos to gain more likes, your stories can be as real as you want. From waking up early in the morning and grabbing your first cup of coffee to taking your dog out for a walk, it can include anything you do throughout the day. The best thing about stories is that they are short and snappy, which means that you don’t need to edit them or fine-tune every detail of your video clips. Get connected to MetroNet to regularly upload your stories and you will notice how your audience is being hooked to your posts. So, when you will publish a photo or video on your profile as a post, it will instantly compel your followers into tapping the like button.

Wrapping Up

The terms “Instagram” and “likes” go hand in hand. To become more popular on social media, your account should be updated regularly to keep your audience entertained with the latest posts. Follow our expert advice to maximize the number of likes on every Instagram post on your profile.